
Congratulations to our RE Leaders - Sibella and Lauren - on coordinating the Advent Liturgies at our school. Here is the impressive nativity scene they have created as part of these liturgies.

Frank Cotela
Feast Day Displays

On our recent Feast Day, the RE Captains (Sibella and Lauren) organised a competition to see who could create the best display of St Charles Borromeo. Congratulations on 1/2V and 5/6S who were the winners.

Frank Cotela
News from Prep

Foundation are learning about 2D shapes. We are making pictures with shapes on the geoboards.

Foundation are also learning about the needs of animals. We are using play dough to make pretend pets and exploring what they need to survive.

Frank Cotela
Remembrance Day

Today we gathered as a school, lowered the flag and marked one minute of silence for Remembrance Day.

Thankyou to our School Captains (Grace and Alexander), RE Captains (Sibella and Lauren) and our FIRE Carrier’s (Dane, Giselle, James and Chloe) for leading the ceremony.

Frank Cotela
Dion selected for TeamVic

Congratulations to Dion (5/6S) for being selected to the SSV TeamVic side in soccer.

An outstanding achievement!

Dion will participate in an upcoming tournament in Sydney over the weekend of 3rd - 5th of December.

We congratulate Dion and wish him success in the upcoming tournament.

Frank Cotela
Book Week Parade

On Friday, we were able to celebrate Book Week and have our annual parade. Thankyou to Grace and Alexander (School Captains) who coordinated this.

Frank Cotela
Feast Day Liturgy

On Friday, we celebrated St Charles Borromeo’s Feast Day. This is the first time we have been able to come together as a school in a very loooong time. Well done to our RE Captains (Sibella and Lauren), our School Captains (Grace and Alexander) and FIRE Carriers (Dane, Giselle, Chloe and James) for their work with planning and presenting the liturgy.

Frank Cotela
Extracting DNA

The Year 5 /6 students were involved in an experiment to extract DNA from strawberries.

Did you know that our cells have two copies of DNA while strawberry cells have eight! This makes it easier for us to extract enough DNA to be able to see it with the naked eye.

Every living thing has DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid and it is the blueprint for what makes you a human, a cat, a tree or a type of flower etc.  DNA is a molecule that is like a little recipe for life and holds all the information your body needs to function. Pretty crazy! Plus, it’s just a teeny, tiny percent of our DNA that actually makes us all unique from one another.  You may also be surprised to know that some of the DNA in strawberries is also present in humans.

Frank Cotela