

During 2024, we have been involved in the Teaching for Impact in Mathematics Series (TIMS). ‘Working from a robust research and evidence base, the TIM Series supports teachers and leaders to build more high-impact instruction into their classrooms and schools, to accelerate learning for all students.’ (TeachWell, 2024)

We place children at the centre, and consider their individual needs when designing learning. We follow a progression of learning within each focus area (e.g. place value, addition, shape etc), which has been constructed by our staff through work with the Victorian Curriculum, as well as informed by developmentally appropriate research in the field.

Using a range of explicit teaching strategies, children practise skills, and share and reflect on their learning through dialogue and discussion. This occurs through targeted, small group explicit learning experiences, ​where we provide a variety of learning contexts including the use of hands-on materials, open-ended tasks and rich learning experience’s.

Our classrooms are designed to allow the students the opportunity to learn through discovery. We use a range of learning spaces to engage students in Mathematics.

We value partnerships with families, and at times throughout the year invite families to join in their child’s maths lessons.

Our students also have the opportunity to engage in Mathematics through online platforms, incorporating coding and ICT skills.

Features of our Mathematics program consist of:

  • Daily one-hour Numeracy block

  • Explicit small focus group teaching 

  • Mathematics intervention 

  • Assessment and reporting mathematics development