Every year, on November 4th, Catholics around the world celebrate the feast day of St. Charles Borromeo, a beloved saint known for his deep faith, commitment to the Church, and extraordinary service to others. This year, at St Charles we celebrated his Feast Day on Wednesday 6 November.
Who Was St. Charles Borromeo?
St. Charles Borromeo was born in Italy in 1538 into a wealthy and noble family. He became a priest and later the Archbishop of Milan, where he worked tirelessly to reform the Church and care for the people of his community. St. Charles is especially known for his work in educating young people, improving the quality of priest training, and providing for the poor and sick. He lived a life of simplicity and humility, and his deep love for God and his people is something we can all admire and strive to follow.
Why Do We Celebrate His Feast Day?
St. Charles Borromeo's feast day is a special day to honor his great work and to reflect on how we can make a difference in the world. Though St. Charles came from a wealthy family, he dedicated his life to helping those who had less than him. He cared for the sick and the poor and he always put others before himself.
He is also remembered for his devotion to education. He believed that learning about God was key to becoming a good person, so he worked hard to establish schools and seminaries to train future priests. He was a true role model, showing that no matter how old we are, we can always make a difference by serving others and staying faithful to our beliefs.
How We CelebrateD St. Charles Borromeo at School
We celebrated St. Charles Borromeo's feast day with a variety of activities that reflected his values of faith, charity, and service.
Christian Meditation and Prayer – We began the day with a special prayer for St Charles and prayer for our school community, asking St. Charles to help us grow in faith, love, and kindness.
Inflatables celebration – Students were lucky enough to enjoy an inflatable ninja course and other inflatable activities during the morning session. They had a lot of fun trying to beat each others times on the ninja course!
St. Charles Borromeo STEM Activity – Students worked together to design and build a church using playing cards.
Learning About St. Charles and Reflecting – Teachers shared stories about St. Charles Borromeo and his amazing work. Students reflected on how they can live out his values in their every day lives.
Celebrating with a Feast Day Mass - Students, teachers and parents came together with Fr. Charles to celebrate a special Feast Day Mass for St Charles Borromeo. It was a beautiful way to complete our celebrations of the patron of our school.
What Can We Learn from St. Charles Borromeo?
As we celebrate the feast day of St. Charles Borromeo, let us remember his example of love, service, and faith. He lived a life that put others first, and we can do the same in our school, our homes, and our community. Let’s follow his example by being kind, helping others, and always putting God at the center of our lives.
Happy Feast Day, St. Charles Borromeo! May we all strive to be like you in our own unique ways.