We are a community school that encourages full participation. Parents and carers are encouraged to become involved in a wide range of activities.
Individual involvement:
Liturgical celebrations
Parent/teacher conferences
Curriculum evenings
Fundraising events
Social events
Administrative work
Working Bees
Group involvement:
St Charles Borromeo School Advisory Board
St. Charles Borromeo promotes child safety. All parents are asked to sign a code of conduct and provide the school with a Working With Children card if working directly with the students.
Assemblies form an important part of the school life as they give the whole community a chance to come together and celebrate who we are and what is happening in the school.
Assemblies are also held every second Monday at 2.30pm, and allow the various grade levels to present and share some of their learning. Special Values Certificates are presented to children who have demonstrated, through their actions, an understanding of a particular value.
The weekly Newsletter sets out the assembly schedule. Assemblies are held in the Multi-Purpose Area of the main building with parents/carers and siblings most welcome to attend.