Posts tagged creativity
Nurturing Critical and Creative Thinking Skills in Your Child at Home

Part 2 -

Last week we began to look at some ways to assist in supporting your child’s critical and creative thinking skills. This week we look at some other ways to nurture these skills in your child:

  1. Encourage reading and discussion - Introduce your child to a variety of different books and genres. After reading ask them questions; what did they think about the characters, what was the message in the story, what do you think might happen next? You can also ask them how they might change the story if they could write it or what should the characters do. This stimulates both critical and creative thinking!

  2. Foster a growth mindset - This is the process of encouraging your child to learn through mistakes allowing their abilities to be developed through hard work and determination. Praise should be given for effort and resilience rather than just the end result of what they have done.

  3. Celebrate their creativity - Create a platform for your child to showcase their creations! Whether it is an art wall in your home, family art show, storytelling night, or a performance evening where they can even distribute their own hand made tickets - the ideas are endless!

Nurturing critical and creative thinking skills at home does not need to be an overthought rigid exercise , you can weave it through the everyday conversations, activities and experiences you have with your child. By allowing your child to use their critical and creative thinking skills you are assisting them in developing skills that they will use throughout their lives. Enjoy the learning process together!