Thank you and well done to all of the students who entered our Mindfulness in March Colouring Competition.
The Wellbeing leaders will announce the winning entries on Monday at assembly.
Thank you and well done to all of the students who entered our Mindfulness in March Colouring Competition.
The Wellbeing leaders will announce the winning entries on Monday at assembly.
Lunch time clubs are always fun. Our Lego club every Tuesday is a very popular choice for many students.
Today we were lucky to have some former students come back and visit us and tell us all of the wonderful things that they have experienced at secondary school. We thank Alana, Mia and Simona for sharing their time with us.
Today we celebrated Book Week as a school with a whole school performance, book parade, book reading by Miss Zuzic and other fun art activities.
Congratulations to Sarina and Chloe on finishing 23rd and 37th at today’s Division Cross Country.
Congratulations to our school’s cross country team on their recent involvement at the district competition at Ruffey Lake. Teachers and parents reported that the team displayed great perseverance and sportsmanship. Well done to Sarina, Zac L, Chloe C, Zahlia J and Alexander O who qualified for Division.
A big thank you to the parents and student who attended the recent working bee. Our school is looking a lot better.
Today our School Captains (Jamie and Holly) received a certificate from the Hon Bruce Atkinson MLC (Parliament of Victoria) recognising their contribution to our school and community.
Congratulations to Jamie and Holly.
Congratulations to Avery (5/6 R) on winning the primary portraiture award in this year’s Archdiocese Creative Arts Exhibition with her art piece called, “Blue Smile”.
Congratulations to Aria-Rose (3/4 M) on winning the Nature Inspired award from the Royal Botanic Gardens in the Melbourne Archdiocese Creative Arts Exhibition with her art piece called, “Rainbow Fish”.
Wow! What a fantastic evening. Keep posted - More photos will be posted this week.
A big thank you to Lucy (our School Council President and MC for the evening), to the PNF and School Council members who organised and set up the event. Who manned the bbq and managed the run.
Thank you to all of the families and students who attended. It was great to see even past families and students come along and join in the fun. Thank you to the staff who joined in the run too.
It was great to come together as a community after two rough years.
Well done to Isabella in Grade Two for creating her art piece ‘The Big Race’ which won the Highly Commended Primary award in the upcoming Creative Arts Exhibition 2022. We love your beautiful art piece. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Jackson, Mark and Zarlia for being successful in representing St Charles in District Swimming for 2022. Our school came 5th out of 8 in the competition. They have qualified for the Manningham Division competition and we wish them all the very best in this next stage. We thank all teachers and parents for supporting our children in swimming. Well done to all children who participated, we are so proud of you!
On 18th Februrary 2022, we welcomed our parents back into our school doors after what felt like such a long time apart! Each year level presented an overview of the learning that happens in the classroom. Thanks to all teachers and parents for sharing such a valuable night of learning.
Thanks to Dhevin (5/6) who put together this slide to mark Safer Internet Day this year.
The lunch time clubs have been a big hit this year. There has been a big turn out to the student led LEGO Club (pictured). Other clubs running this term are: Art Club, Performing Arts Club and Games Club.
Charlie the dog taking a well deserved nap after visiting classes.
Congratulations to Dion who was not only selected to represent Victoria in football but whose side went on to win the national tournament. A fantastic achievement!