Rotary Manningham City commenced running an annual Primary Schools Speech Competition in 2013. The speech competition is designed to encourage primary school children in Grades 5 and 6 to prepare and deliver a short speech from a selection of topics, thus providing them with the experience of speech preparation and public speaking in a safe forum.
The annual event is attended by Toastmasters Australia who provide guidelines, assessments and judges for the event. St Charles is one of 12 schools who participate in this event in the Manningham area. This year, St Charles students Lucas and Elena were chosen to compete in this competition. Lucas prepared and delivered a speech on How Lucas Can Change the World and Elena’s chosen topic was What Kindness Means to Me. Both students spoke on their chosen topic for three minutes and were assessed by independent judges who provided feedback to each participant. We are extremely proud of how well both Lucas and Elena delivered their speeches on the night.
The event is often attended by the Mayor of the City of Manningham as well as senior Rotarians, school teachers and family and friends of the participants, and is increasing in popularity each year it is run. Visitors are treated to an entertaining evening of wonderful speeches with light refreshments at the conclusion of the night.